Tomb Of The Swine Prophet

In a tavern near the docks of a small coastal town, a drunk fisherman claims he found the burial place of a religious leader of the long lost Swine Empire. “No doubt it’s full of treasure,” he promises. He scratches a map on the table. “It’s right there, and I haven’t told anyone, except for some Rats who bought me drinks earlier today.”

Explore an ancient tomb! Find treasure! Meet rat pirates! Don't get eaten by crocodiles! Or maybe do!

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Tomb of the Swine Prophet is a small dungeon for analog adventure games like UnconqueredCairnThe Vanilla GameBastardsTunnel Goons, and many more.

It can be dropped into most fantasy adventure campaigns and completed in a single gaming session. It is an eleven room dungeon. Five rooms are described, and there is a d20 Random encounter table to describe the other rooms, so the adventure may be different every time it is played. A d12 treasure table and old school creature stats are included.

It can be printed on a single sheet of paper, front and back.
